Getting to The lost Art election special

The Art of the Squeal

What if the world was full of people who felt the same and thought the same, looked the same and had the same feelings about things? What if indeed! As a reader of my blog, I have no doubt in my mind that you are a great thinker, perhaps in the top 1% of thinkers, and I would 'place a bet' that you have imagined a world were everyone was cloned from your DNA. Everyone 'just like you'. And I know you have thought of this, because, as a great thinker myself, I too have had this thought, after having engaged with someone who made me think, what if I was doing that in place of that person, or seeing someone through some form of media, and then thinking, 'that thought'. If everyone was like me, wouldn't the world simply be a better place? What if indeed! Of course, the thought is merely a fleeting one, because any more thinking lends itself to the answer, no, of course not, that would be a disaster, a nightmare, a dystopia, a form of hell on earth. It's a terrible thought, and yet, great thinkers should have terrible thoughts in order to very quickly dismiss them out of hand, and make sure these 'bad thoughts' don't propagate in our society, in various forms. It's flying cars being powered by your own farts, is what it is. It's a bad idea, and we should not give bad ideas the same time of day as good ideas. See 'Brexit' for a good example of this, where a 'bad idea' was given a lot of airtime, poisoning the discourse for years to come, as if it wasn't already poisoned enough. Other examples include 'dairy is good for you' (eggs and milk references later), the Monarchy (more on this to follow) and the term 'cracking' as an adverb (pure poison).

This stinks

So then, we, as stupendous scholars, as thoughtful thinkers, as present day prophets and grey matter gurus, all agree that it benefits society to have a greatly varied pool of people, and it would be terrible if we all were the same. If we all thought the same. And because of that, there are going to be differences of opinion. Because too many people just care about themselves, because so much of our lives these days is 'I like this' or 'I don't like that'. We are voters essentially, every day, with our opinions, with our wallets. It's why companies are constantly asking you to fill in feedback forms, day and night, and night and day, endlessly. And based on that, if you don't complain about something that you don't like, how will you change it? The answer, my long suffering thinker/reader, is that you could also use some kind of direct action or work constructively to make that change happen, but we are all very busy aren't we? And perhaps those deeds could be also construed as 'complaining'. I would like to suggest to you that, perhaps, complaining is good, it's free to do, and if enough people do it, something might actually happen about the thing you are complaining about. Of course, it's important to complain respectfully nowadays, but one persons respectful complaining is another persons 'how dare you' so as long as you aren't being abusive to a minority or chatting shit about death, you might well be within your inalienable rights to complain. And, dear reader, please know you will, more than likely, have my support on the matter, as a concerned citizen and as someone who has started to realise that complaining is good, it's a powerful thing, it helps and it frees.


We might also consider the cultural side of things. Britain, for example, has a long history of 'stiff upper lips' and 'knuckling down' and 'accepting the Monarchy as somehow being better than normal folk'. After 4 decades of research, I can exclusively reveal to you that this 'narrative' has been concocted by 'the establishment' in order to 'keep folks in their place'. It's a natural reaction for British people not to complain, and it's important to understand that, it's important to understand that this is not a natural state of affairs, rather, one that has been created by hundreds of years of imperialism and class warfare. When you complain, there will inevitably be a British person telling you that you should not because it's negative, or that somehow your complaint isn't valid because of 'reasons'. If it's not a British person telling you this, then you should just assume that they are joking, evil, or have experienced some other form of brainwashing that has been based on the British example, somehow.  But how should we deal with these people? What can we say to folks who are, essentially, telling you to hush your flapping lips?

You have options, it's entirely up to you, because it's your freedom to take the anti gum flapping advice. It might well be you are saying something that will not lead to any change, but that doesn't mean you should stop talking about it, because you never truly know, and if we immediately accepted things as they are, then I suspect we might be 'in some trouble'. I know you aren't asking, but my personal favourite method is to be very polite but firm with these 'anti-complainers'. Explain clearly to them like they are sweet summer children, like they are new to this world. I am sorry, but that is my position as I have described and that's how I feel about the subject. Yes, I do think that whisky should not cost over 150 spending units (oh dear), and yes I think we should have maximum pricing on things. Yes, I think that all education and healthcare should be equal and free, regardless of your social or economic position, yes I do think that, and yes I think you are wrong to think otherwise! You might like to have prawn mayonnaise and crisp sandwiches, think the death penalty is a good idea or consider regulatory governmental bodies with regards to food standards to be an assault on your freedom to buy 'mothers milk' in the supermarket. Hold firm to your views, and complain if they trampled on or opposed. All I am saying is that, if you look carefully, there are many people telling you very politely to calm down and be quiet, and you also have the right to tell them, as I mentioned earlier, politely, but firmly, to calm down and be quiet too! I mean, if I told someone to zip it, I would expect, as a matter of common sense, to be told to zip it also! It's natural logic, it's nature, it's the universe.

A fence

One other thing, lol, and that's the very small matter of scratching surfaces. There is always, always, a surface to be scratched. There is always, always, something you can find beneath a surface layer of shush. One persons trash is another persons treasure for example, of an idiom that might apply to this final 'paragraph of pish'. You really don't have to look that hard at a person to find something about this wonderful society they don't like, it's true, and that's the human condition. If heaven is real, and if it is actually pearly gates and clouds and stuff, we would be complaining about the colour of the clouds and about how they weren't soft enough or firm enough or the harps were not properly tuned or some other somesuch. That's just the business of things, and it's something to think about if you are being told you are complaining. Because essentially you are just being told you are being human, by another human. A good example of this is massive scumbag Nick Ferrari suggesting that Afua Hirsch should leave Britain because she doesn't like some aspects about it, himself being one the biggest complainers I have ever seen regarding Britain in my lifetime. Something to think about.

I lied

OK so I lied and there is more that I wanted to say on this, obviously a blog that has gone on far far too long but of course it goes without saying, but I am saying it, that perhaps you shouldn't spend all your time complaining, like you should be positive as well because there is some good stuff to being alive and complaining is important, but that's all really, obviously this is on the record and I had to say this, but I really don't appreciate that you made me say it, actually I am quite offended, of course your whole output, whatever form that may take, perhaps, shouldn't be solely made of complaining, you swine for making me type this. I just wanted to make a blog about how complaining is good and look at what you made me do, end it with 'you shouldn't complain all the time'. You know what, perhaps it is OK to complain all the time, you know what, suck eggs, go and suck on some goddam eggs, complaining is good, I stand by my words, suck some goddam eggs.

As always, I thank you for reading, and hope you come away from this with a more confident and respectful attitude to put forward your opinions (LMAO). It's utterly empowering to say, no I don't agree, hey that's wrong, what is this, no no no, and then leave it there, just there, out there, like milk in the sun.
