Year of Bourbon

This is just a very quick blog post, first of all, to say that in 2024 I am going to attempt to see if I can really get into bourbon. Like, see if I can develop a passion for it, in the same way I have a passion for whisky. What a cool experiment Robert, what a cool thing to do! Well maybe, but let me tell you the reasons why, and perhaps you might not think it so cool at all!

Reason one - THE PRICE

I firmly believe that bourbon offers better value, purely because the very cheapest bourbon tastes miles better than a similarly priced blended whisky. Is this a preconception? Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't, but we are going find out. There is some very very cheap bourbon about in The Netherlands

Reason two - THE PRICE

Yes, whisky, well, the whisky I want, is too expensive and I don't need anymore whisky, that would be greedy. Again, perhaps I'm wrong, but I'm gonna find out. I will be buying cheap AF bourbon, and then, perhaps, some not so cheap bourbon. Like when I started drinking whisky, I started with the cheapest shit you could imagine, and progressed up to single malts over the years. I think this gave me a decent base, good groundwork from which to build my views from. A solid foundation. Strong roots.

Reason three - THE PRICE

I like to mix my spirits. No matter whatever bottle I open, and I'm being serious here, some of it will find its way into a cocktail or with coke. Probably a whisky sour or an old fashioned. And bourbon is, I think, fantastic for mixing. So there is that. I mean, I am going to find out. I really like cocktails btw, man, cocktails are amazing!

Reason four- THE PRICE

Bourbon is, I believe, at it's best under or around 10 years, due to the barrels being virgin oak. That makes some of the very best bourbon a lot cheaper than the very best whisky. I stand to be corrected on this, and will find out through experience, or through some bourbon expert telling me, me rejecting that, and then finding out through experience. It's all natural colour, right?

Reason five- THE PRICE

I consider rye and wheat based whiskies, as bourbon too, even though they are absolutely not. But they are American whiskies, that are not predominately malted barley based, so they are getting included here. Perhaps I should have just said 'American whiskies' at the start, but really, it's all bourbon to me. I am sorry btw, I know it's not right. But am I really sorry though, given I have very quickly typed out a blog and not even bothered to change it? It's a good question!

Reason six- THE PRICE

I actually have some bourbon! A couple of Blantons, a standard old 12 year old Elijah Craig, one of those E.H Taylor things, perhaps another one but perhaps not. I could start doing it right away, but as discussed, I'm going to start with a base, like all good folks should. I'm not gonna start by asking Twitter, hey, what amazing bourbon should this ham mouthed fool drink? No no, the bad stuff, first, thank you very much.

Right then, that's me, off to perhaps source my first low grade bourbon. I wonder what I should start with? That Buffalo trace stuff is like 21 euros!
