Year of Bourbon



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Today I was struggling to find a topic to blog about, and then I read this twitter thread and realised something, and that is, write about what you know. That's what they say, write about what you know, I have heard that a lot, and this particular twitter thread made me realise a couple of things. I know absolutely everything there is to know about NFT's, while knowing absolutely nothing about them at all, and that's something I wanted to write about, so here goes, I don't have much time here.

Crombin lives on in my NFT

First of all, let me tell you, that all I know about this is that NFT's are worth what people are willing to pay for them. So you buy a NFT at a price, and sell them at a price, and someone will buy it from you because they believe that at some point, someone else will buy them from you at a higher price, or at some kind of price, and this is all backed up by something called 'blockchain' which I refuse to learn anything about other than it's a way to guarantee transactions via timestamped blocks in a chain, the idea being that in order to change one timestamp you would have to change them all. Or something like that. And NFT's are based on the Ethereum blockchain as I understand it, and are unique. They are a kind of digital certificate that proves that what you own is unique, they are the receipt. That's as far as I understand it, and perhaps, the point is that someone could say, Robert, you don't understand it, and they would be right, that's the point, I fucking don't.

This chap is also a Corbyn

But I understand the point that you pay for a NFT at a price someone sets or higher even if you want (aa bid), and that what someone is willing to pay for a NFT is the value of a NFT. That's what I understand, I understand that very well indeed. I just explained it, I understand it. That's what I understand alright, I could buy a NFT, in Ethereum, and sell it, in Ethereum, to a person, and that person would have to agree to buy it at the price I set it, or bid. I understand bids. I understand this stuff, I think, at this level and essentially that's all I really need to know. I make a bid for A THING, and it will be accepted by the person who owns THIS THING. Then, if they want, they can place THIS THING for sale to offers, and the process repeats itself. This I understand, I think I understand this.


And one other thing I understand, is that I want no part of it. If it was about the art, which I think it is to some, then OK, but I can hang a print of the Mona Lisa on my wall without owning the original. I would happily, and have, paid for physical art, and if I saw some amazing digital art, I would want to buy a physical representation of that from the artist if possible, I believe very much in the physicality of art, but understand that digital art should, and can be, transferred in to the physical medium using methods that guarantee it's physical uniqueness, and that's fine, but this is, IMHO, not about the art. It's about making fucking money off rubes I'm telling you, this will all end in tears, this is what I believe, please don't buy NFT's they are only worth what a rube will pay for it, a scheme for rubes, but I guess that's what we are looking at now, a system of money were nothing means anything anymore and if we eventually download our brains, maybe NFT's will be good for that? Maybe I will NFT this blog and sell it for some Ethereum. This stuff really hurts my head, and I haven't even bothered to get started on whisky NFT's. Dear lord, I think I really could talk about this for hours, and probably never really, truly understand it.

Look, I have to go have a shower now and then meet a good friend for lunch. I will use money to pay for it, I will not use bitcoins or eretheums or something, and will have a physical meal in return. Dim sum I think it's going to be. I apologise if I have offended anyone, of course, as always, please take care. Please, please, just take care take care dear lord.


  1. How can whisky be an NFT? Somebody would have to have the original. How do you drink the digital copy? Nobody could say whisky is for drinking as you can’t drink digital copies.

    I’m old fashioned, and if I one something I want to know it’s the real McCoy and not like a made in Hong Kong version. I feel the same about cloud computing. I feel the need to be in charge of my data, not have it stored in some digital vault where North Korean Hackers will break into your files and see the terabytes of Ben Dover and Tracy Lord’s finest productions in a secret folder you thought was hidden.

    Could be worse. Could be Jimmy Saville.

    You’re very active in the blog front of late. Bored or just a frisson of excitement?

    Peace Out
    Scottys Drams.

    1. Just an experiment to see if something can be done, as I find writing can be helpful and actually a little therapeutic. This is my second ever comment I have received on my blog and I am very excited :)

      NTF's sure do generate a lot of discussion and are undoubtedly being misused and missold at the moment, but I guess they are going to be used for DRM stuff or within restricted systems. But at the moment, it seems to me to be the wild west and it's being built on hopes, dreams and a desire for getting in early aka get rich quick schemes.


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